The number of people working online from home has grown in some countries. What advantages and disadvantages can come of this trend? Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that being a stay-at-home employee is more recommendable, while others think that teleworking can lead to negative effects. While it is a fact that this type of career can result to numerous setbacks, my view is that working from home is more beneficial for both employers and employees.

On one hand, telecommuting only leads to unwated negative effects in the long run.

First off, remote workers can easily be less productive. There is no oversight as to what an employee is doing during the day or how distracted they are. Therefore, a one-hour task in an office can turn into a five-hour task with frequent breaks in between.

Another point worth mentioning is that lack of communication may cost the comapny a lot of money due to delays in the project. When employees fail to communicate their concern to their employers, certain misunderstandings would mean that the company has to spend more on lost hours, resources, and even clients.

Finally, the security is also a huge concern since sensitive information are handled by remote teams especially those offshore. When this important data is leaked to the public, it is almost impossible to take it back which puts clients at risk.

On the other hand, home-based online jobs can be a comprehensive solution for problems that workers and employers have been facing in the city.

To begin with, companies can reduce all of the costs for expensive office spaces, office supplies, and equipment. Therefore, they do not need to spend an astronomical amount of money for properties, and can invest it for more valueable things like developing new products expanding them to different markets.

Apart from that, without having a lengthy commute and being jostled in a busy subway, telecommuters can start their workday earlier and dedicate more time to the job. Therefore, a telecommuting staff can be more productive than in-office workers.

One final point is that if an employer gives the staff the ability to customize their schedule so that they can better balance their professional and personal life, they become grateful and it turns into loyalty towards the company.

In conclusion, I understand that there can be several drawbacks to working remotely, however, I still believe that it is more productive and effective for both employers and employees.

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